Emotions are just data. There are not good emotions and bad emotions, they just simply are what they are.
I think our world focuses too much on being happy all the time. I wonder what it might be like if instead, we just gave ourselves permission to feel what we feel.
We need to ditch TWO responses to the question - How are you – those answers we need to stop using are good and fine.
Those two responses do not connect us or make us curious.
Instead, think of the curiosity that you’d have if a friend said I’m uneasy or spent or inspired or tranquil or fuming…you would want to know more. And when you ask what caused it…connection happens.
Four KEY Questions to acknowledge and move through any emotion:
1. What do I feel right now?
2. What caused it?
3. Do I want to stay in it or shift from it?
4. What can I do to shift it?
When we take time to process our emotions, we are less likely to offload on others.
When we take time to process our emotions, we are less likely to ruminate over them for days.
When we take time to process our emotions, we allow ourselves to let the pain in, feel it and let it go.
When we take time to process our emotions, we stay in alignment with our values.
“Truly feeling an emotion means being able to sit with the incoherence we experience at such a moment, neither venting or denying it, but simply containing it and being present with it. To sit with our emotions means we have to be in solitude, which is unbearable for many of us.
As you learn to be with your emotions, they will no longer overwhelm you. When you don’t fuel your pain by either resisting or reacting, but sit with it, it transforms itself into wisdom. Along with wisdom comes a greater capacity for compassion." ~ Shefali Tsabary
“Hurt feelings don’t vanish on their own. They don’t heal themselves. If we don’t express our emotions, they pile up like a debt that will eventually come due.”
“You got to name it to tame it.”
“Acceptance of ALL our emotions – even the messy, difficult ones – is the cornerstone to resilience and thriving and true, authentic happiness.”
“Emotional agility means having any number of troubling thoughts or emotions and still managing to act in a way that aligns with your values.”
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